This The Equation Analysis Test does not measure intelligence, your fluency with words, creativity or mathematical ability. It will, however, give you some gauge of your mental flexibility.  few people have been found who could solve more than half of the questions on the first try. many, however, reported getting answers long after the testing had been set aside, particularly at unexpected moments when their minds were relaxed. some reported solving most of the questions over a period of several days.
Instructions: Each equation below contains the initials of words that make the statement true. Write the full correct Statement in the box, as in the first example. Good luck! solutions at
example: 7 D. in a W.          7 days in a week         

26 L. of the A. ______________________
7 W. of the W.______________________
12 S. of the Z.______________________
66 B. of the B. ______________________
52 C. in a P. W. J.______________________
13 S. in the U. S. F.______________________
18 H. on a G. C.______________________
39 B. in the O. T.______________________
5 T. on a F.______________________
90 D. in a R. A.______________________
32 is the T. in D. F. at which W. F.______________________
3 W. on a T. ______________________
8 T. on an O. ______________________
29 D. in F. in a L. Y.______________________
27 B. in the N. T.______________________
13 L. in a B. D.______________________
9 L. of a C. ______________________
23 P. of C. in the H. B. ______________________
64 S. on a C. B.______________________
1000 Y. in a M. ______________________
40 D. and N. of the G. F.______________________
4 S. on a V. ______________________
5 T. on a C. including the S.______________________
6 P. on a P. T. ______________________
7 Y. of B. L. for B. a M.______________________
20 C. in a P. ______________________
3 S. and Y. are O. in B______________________
3 W. from the G. in the B.______________________
7 D. and S. W. ______________________
7 C. on the E. ______________________
7 V. in the N. of a G.______________________
10 E. in a D. ______________________
1 R. A. in E. B.______________________
24 B. in a C. ______________________
14 D. in the O. ______________________
16 M. of J. ______________________
1 E. on a C. ______________________
4 Y. in an O. ______________________
12 A. at the L. S.______________________
1 is the L. N. ______________________
4 L. of the H. B.______________________
2 P. in a B. ______________________
3 L. in a H. ______________________
10 P. of E. ______________________
200 M. in a C. ______________________
1440 M. in a D. ______________________
2 L. in the H. B.______________________
150 P. in the B ______________________
500 S. in a R. ______________________
12 D. of J. ______________________
13 L. M. in a Y.______________________
88 D. it takes M. to O. the S.______________________
88 C. in the S. ______________________
5 V. O. in the H. B.______________________
16 O. in a P. ______________________
5 V. in the A. ______________________
1754 is S. M. to S.______________________
2 is the C. R. of E.______________________
1 C. in an A. ______________________
16 P. in C. ______________________
21 D. in T. W. ______________________
12 P. in a J. ______________________
2 H. are B. T. O.______________________
1 M. L. on the C. F.______________________
1 H. in a D. ______________________
32 T. Including W. T______________________
206 B. in the H. B______________________
3 C. on a T. L. ______________________
32 P. on a C. ______________________
180 D. to R. D. ______________________
1 R. A. in E. B.______________________
1 F. in the G. ______________________
1 F. by O. H. Z. is a G.______________________
2 H. in a W. ______________________
2 S. to E. S. ______________________
2 of each A. on N. A.______________________
4 C. in a H.H. ______________________
4 H. on a H. ______________________
4 S. in a D. of C.______________________
5 R. on the O.F.______________________
6 D. of C. ______________________
6 Z. in a M. ______________________
7 Y. in a S. ______________________
24 C. G. is P. G.______________________
12 T. in an O. ______________________
10 C. G. to M. ______________________
21 S. on a D. ______________________
18 Y. O. To V. ______________________
12 L. of H. ______________________
12 T. of I. ______________________
13 W. in a C. ______________________
3 H. on a C. with a S. H.______________________
75 Y. of M. for the D. A.______________________
95 T. of M. L. ______________________
111 E. on the P. T.______________________
969 Y. L. by M. ______________________
3600 S. in a H. ______________________
1000000 is T. to the P. S.______________________
4 B. to the B. in C. T.______________________
2 W. D. M. a R. ______________________
8 L. on a S. ______________________
9 P. in the S. S.______________________
88 P. K. ______________________
1 D. at a T. ______________________
8 S. on a S. S. ______________________
1 W. on a U. ______________________
40 W. is a Q. N.______________________
13 C. in a S. ______________________
0 C. B. with A. ______________________
12 K. of the R. T.______________________
80 D. A. the W. ______________________
24 L. in the G. A.______________________
36 I. in a Y. ______________________
6 W. of H. the E.______________________
2000 P. in a T. ______________________
1000 W. that a P. is W.______________________
30 D. H. S. A. J. and N.______________________
200 D. for P. G. in M.______________________
6 F. U. ______________________
4 H. of the A. ______________________